Zuhause> Blog> Aluminum cans production equipment at metal packaging exhibition

Aluminum cans production equipment at metal packaging exhibition

February 18, 2023
Famous aluminum can manufacturing equipment manufacturers such as Hinterkopf, Mall+Herlan, Frattini and Technopack have participated in this international metal packaging exhibition. From an innovation point of view, there are four points worth paying attention to.

· Inner coating machine with 9 spray guns: Aluminum cans are dried in the oven immediately after being sprayed by the spray gun to shorten the transmission distance, save space and improve quality. The machine production speed is 250 cans/minute.
·Aluminum cans after washing machine: aluminum cans in the neck, curled after warm water to remove all the oil and dust, and then enter the special drying room to prevent the water droplets left in the neck, curling and forming water spots. At the same time ensure that the printing color is not changed
·Simple rotary aluminum can strapping and packing machine is simple, portable, easy to adjust, easy to operate and low investment.
· Special-shaped can forming machine Frattini and Technopack have jointly developed a special-shaped aluminum can forming machine with a production speed of 150 cans per minute and can be installed in various existing aluminum can production lines.
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