Zuhause> Blog> Microwaveable metal packaging designed for ready-to-eat cheese fondue

Microwaveable metal packaging designed for ready-to-eat cheese fondue

April 28, 2023

According to a report by the Ardagh Group and students from the Twente University in the Netherlands, a project for the future of ready-to-eat metal packaging for food and seafood was originally developed. Swiss dairy producer Emmi now turns this concept into a commercial reality in the form of an integrated cheese fondue with a microwaveable bowl. The company launched this product in the Netherlands in September 2015, which includes a bowl of 400g of genuine Swiss cheese, a bowl rack and a candle.

Marcel Zbinden of Emmi Group Global Category Head Specialty Cheese said that Emmi is considered one of the top 10 most innovative companies in Switzerland due to its innovative products and packaging. He said: “Differentiation between competitors and private brands is becoming more and more important, and it is also true in the smaller and price-driven cheese fondue category. When we first saw “integrated cheese fondue” At the time of concept, we immediately realized its potential, and Emmi is the perfect company to further develop it with its partners.

These partners include Ardagh, DéDutch, a food packaging and engineering consultant, and the Fraunhofer Association, a German research institute, and several patented packaging suppliers.

In order to meet Emmi's requirements, the Ardagh R&D center in Crosmieres, France, refined the concept of the metal bowl. Woep M?ller, Chief Commercial Officer at Ardagh Group Metal explains: “In order to make the bowl heated both in microwave and in a traditional oven, and to maintain the same temperature above the candles on the table, we cooperated with the Emmi and Fraunhofer associations to test A variety of special coatings that meet food safety.We joined our proprietary printing Easy Peel aluminum opening solutions to provide consumers with a convenient way to open the bowl.

Recyclable painted horse iron bowl with cheese fondue holder, cheese hot pot everything is ready. Zbinden said: "Convenient and rapid preparation has become an increasingly important trend. The integrated cheese fondue, containing a metal bowl and instant Swiss cheese fondue, simplifies the preparation process of this trend food, and is a fast one at any time The perfect combination of a simple and delicious cheese fondue. Also, it helps those who haven't made cheese fondues to understand that they use this product to get more than just cheese sauce. In other words, we sell the concept, not the product.”

Emmi's cutaway sleeves can package a complete set of product components so that consumers can see and understand the integrated concept at a glance. The paper cover pattern was developed by the internal design team of LPK and Emmi for the whole international cheese fondue series of Emmi and conveyed the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere associated with the cheese fondue.

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