Zuhause> Blog> 2016 China Metal Packaging Development Trend

2016 China Metal Packaging Development Trend

June 29, 2023

The metal packaging industry has entered a period of rapid development and a complete metal packaging industry system has been formed. After long-term development, metal packaging has formed a complete industrial system and categories, but compared with the international developed countries, compared with the requirements of social development and national economic growth and export packaging changes and upgrades, in the quality of varieties, new product technology There are still many deficiencies in terms of content, level of technological development, and the scale of metal packaging, human resources, etc.

At present, the international packaging machinery market is fiercely competitive. The overall trend of the development of packaging machinery is to be high-speed, high-efficiency, and high-quality. The focus of development tends to be low energy consumption, light weight, compact structure, small footprint, high efficiency, and appearance. Environmental and operating personnel and environmental protection requirements, as well as new alloy materials, polymer materials, composite materials, inorganic non-metallic materials, and other new materials are also continuously applied. Judging from the current development trend, the integration, intelligence and networking of food packaging machinery will become the mainstream of future development.

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